
The Duke Chronicle

Behind closed doors

The argument can be made that Duke dating scene-or oft-lamented lack thereof-is a contributing cause of the social isolation on this campus, one that can drive young men and women into unmeaningful...

The Duke Chronicle

Calling for sisterhood

When you are getting ready to go off to college, certain things should be in order. You should have selected your meal plan, chatted with your roommate on the facebook and made transportation...

The Duke Chronicle

You picked the right one, baby?

Brandon Goodwin was selected last week by Duke Student Government to be the newest Young Trustee, giving him the honor and privilege to serve on the Board of Trustees for three years and vote on it...

The Duke Chronicle

Keeping up with the Stanfords

Pursuing a graduate or professional degree can be a great stage of life. This is an opportunity to develop as a leader in a chosen field and to develop as a person. Students can attend informative...

The Duke Chronicle


A large number of Duke professors have disregarded the basic tenets of academic freedom and abandoned their professional obligations. They indoctrinate students in their personal ideologies and...

The Duke Chronicle

False choice

2004 was both a year of political fervor surrounding the presidential elections and the year I turned 18. I was a freshman at Appalachian State, a university where any mention of conservatism...

The Duke Chronicle

The Young Trustee legacy

Duke University, Feb. 13, 1969. Fifty to 75 African-American students took over the Allen Building and occupied it for more than eight hours in peaceful protest of the Duke administration. They...

The Duke Chronicle

Trustees give JACK shocker

JACK BAUER'S BIDET had a fairly uneventful week. Of course, there was the odd unwatchable basketball game and a close Young Trustee race in which JACK may or may not have been an also-ran. It's...

The Duke Chronicle

An early reveal

The mystery man lurking behind Door #3-or the mastermind behind the column to my left-is no longer a shadowy figure, as you'll see at the bottom of his piece. You read us right-we're outing...

The Duke Chronicle

Leadership and the "Right'

It is not easy being a student leader. Just ask Duke Student Government. The only popular elected student governing body, DSG is supposed to serve the best interests of the students-and that is...

The Duke Chronicle

Plan B: the morning after

Making an emergency appointment with a doctor, filling a prescription or even getting to a family planning clinic within a 72-hour window is not always possible for women-especially over holidays...

The Duke Chronicle

Watch yourself

Her frantic attempts to hold him back violently warded off, she collapses onto her knees, falling to the pavement. She tilts her face to the dark sky, her hot tears indistinguishable from the...

The Duke Chronicle

Duke High School

Minding my own business in my room, my computer's away message suddenly received a handful of instant messages in rapid-fire succession. My friend was sending me a link to a blog site that she had...

The Duke Chronicle

A safer Ninth Street

One of the joys of East Campus is its close proximity to Ninth Street. Last year, as a freshman, I found almost whatever I needed just a short walk away. Yet, far more than mere convenience, the...

The Duke Chronicle

The big (green) mo

The last four years have seen student activism converge with administrative support to transform Duke into a greener university. From the Environmental Alliance's biodiesel campaign to the...

The Duke Chronicle

Addressing the "T" of LGBT

In line with its conservative nature, Duke has a very small LGBT community. Given the relatively weak voice of the gay students, it is not surprising transgender issues are usually overlooked by...

The Duke Chronicle

Fight the doldrums

I need to apologize for my last column. Even I screw up from time to time. Yet I hope to redeem myself by taking responsibility for my actions. (Insert generic uninspired jab at George W. Bush...

The Duke Chronicle

Faced with extinction

Are Germans an endangered species? This provocative question was the lead of a recent Reuters article about Germany's shrinking population. Between 2003 and 2005, the number of people in Germany...

The Duke Chronicle

D-KAD: not so bad

When I first came to this school, I had it all figured out. I was riding high. I had just aced my GED test and then had been accepted into Duke (if the admissions office asks, I'm an Eskimo from...

The Duke Chronicle

Detached optimism

Duke University is home to hundreds of prestigious professors who have published on thousands of pertinent subjects. As a Duke student, I have the unique opportunity to read their work and then...