
The Duke Chronicle

Bush, U.N. discuss Iraq

Last week, President George W. Bush addressed the United Nations on the threat Iraq poses with its possession of biological, chemical and possibly nuclear weapons.

The Duke Chronicle

Can a girl ask a guy out?

We're sitting on his couch and I can't stop staring. His cheekbones lie inches from my hands, and I want to touch them. It would be so easy, I think, to pull him on top of me.

The Duke Chronicle

Conflicted on alcohol

Alcohol awareness may no longer dominate campus discussion the way it did in past years, but the way the University addresses--or doesn't address--alcohol is intertwined with nearly every student...

The Duke Chronicle

Red light: Access denied

While students weren't looking, the administration made a change to the residential hall access policy, banning off-campus students from any access to on-campus dorms.