Arts Culture

The Duke Chronicle

Walkmen Break Out

On their debut album Everyone Who Pretended to Like Me is Gone, The Walkmen demonstrate that they have created a sound that is both consonant with the music of fellow New York rockers The Strokes...

The Duke Chronicle

Van Wilder vs. Duke

As Van Wilder, the newest film in the National Lampoon series, hits theaters, students paying $7 to the box office and $36,000 to the bursar may wonder if they're getting their money's worth,...

The Duke Chronicle

Art Outside The Lines

Art exhibits are typically housed in galleries with white-washed walls and empty rooms to prevent the surroundings from overwhelming the art.

The Duke Chronicle

Weekend at the Cradle

Concerts can be so tedious. Every time you hand your cash over to the greasy-haired hipster at the ticket window, you're gambling with the unpredictable, uninsured world of live music.

The Duke Chronicle

All in the Family

MTV's behind-the-scenes docu-sitcom, The Osbournes, is making a toilet-splash with its portrayal of legendary rocker Ozzy Osbourne and his misfit family--and television copycats are sure to follow.

The Duke Chronicle

Cheap Thrills: No Need to Panic

Panic Room is a simple movie with a simple plot and characters with simple motivations. It is a damsel in distress (Jodie Foster) and monetarily motivated criminals.

The Duke Chronicle

Double's Documentarians

Cannes on the French Riviera. Sundance in Ski Country. And DoubleTake, the nation's premiere documentary film festival, right here in Durham.

The Duke Chronicle

Mark Samuels: A Brilliant Madness

Mark Samels director of A Brilliant Madness, a documentary about the life of John Forbes Nash, Jr., contrasts how documentaries and feature films like A Beautiful Mind depict real-life stories.

The Duke Chronicle

Apocalypse Wow

Taking a name like ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead, a band limits itself to exactly two options: merciless parody, or merciless ass-kicking.

The Duke Chronicle

Death to Williams!

n the miserable Death to Smoochy, Robin Williams plays a gutter-talking, over-written former children's television show host trying to get his old job back.

The Duke Chronicle

Celebrity Syndromes

I turned on the local news the other night, hoping to learn a little about what goes on outside of the Gothic Wonderland.