Tim Britton


The Duke Chronicle


WHAT'S G? G is the center of the defense's attention. G is "Double him and make him go left." G is the center of the crowd's attention. G is "I might see something I've never seen before tonight."...

The Duke Chronicle

The Coolest Month

"April is the cruelest month," a poet once wrote, somewhat famously. But that poet never experienced LDOC. Or maybe "The Waste Land" was just T.S. Eliot's elegy for whoever has to clean up the main...

The Duke Chronicle

Never say goodbye

You might want to sit down, folks. This being my final column and all-and probably the last column I ever write in newsprint-it's confession time. Here goes. I really like sports. No, like, a lot....

The Duke Chronicle

Run it again

It was simple curiosity, I suppose. Not malice, not schadenfreude, not even good journalism. I was just curious. The setting was all too familiar: a somber Duke locker room following a...

The Duke Chronicle

Focus on the right issues

It happened again. The same way as always, every year, around this time. No, I'm not talking about the fact that Duke lost, perhaps a round earlier than everyone thought it would. Instead, it's the...

The Duke Chronicle


BOSTON - This is the way the season ends. Not with a bang but a whimper. No. 2 Duke's year came to a slow and protracted conclusion at the hands of third-seeded Villanova Thursday night in a 77-54...

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