

Battle Froyale

Towerview sent Allie Yee to get the “scoop” on the Triangle’s best places for frozen yogurt


Duke's Open Call

When I first met David Cutcliffe, he almost hit me in the face. We were out on the practice field behind Wallace Wade Stadium where he was quarterbacking an open Duke football tryout.


Q&A with Alex Rosenberg

Alex Rosenberg fits the classic mold of the philosopher: hyper-opinionated and self-assured. The R. Taylor Cole Professor of Philosophy and the chair of Duke’s department of philosophy, Rosenberg...


Face to Face with Merchants on Points

Most interactions between Duke students and the Durham community do not last long. They are a string of brief and largely forgettable exchanges, such as thanking the bus driver, taking a cab to...

The Duke Chronicle

Editors' Note

The weather plans to turn cold tomorrow. By “cold,” we mean forecasts predict a drop to 56-degrees Farenheight in Durham. North Carolina routinely cushions us out of summer, remaining sultry and...


If Not Here, Then There

Years before 9/11/2001, when I couldn’t afford to rent a studio in New York, I pursued a “verbal art” project; I asked people the question: “If someone destroyed the Statue of Liberty, would you...


Tour de Durham

There’s the moment at stoplights when I become especially self-conscious of my vehicle, my new bike, and I never look back at the cars behind me to see how much space they’ve designated as an...


What the Junk?

On the first Friday of September, a family of three stroll into a rather unusual place. An extravagant clutter of odds and ends, the place houses dishes and fabric and lamps and, what is most...


Q & A with Nathaniel Mackey

A thunderstorm threatened to interrupt my interview with Nathaniel Mackey, the new Reynolds Price Professor of Creative Writing and winner of the 2006 National Book Award for poetry.


Somethings Old, Somethings New

Everything was very still and very quiet inside Southgate room 423. I knocked on the door and timidly inched my way in, and the noise in the dormitory became muffled in the background as I closed...


My 9/11

I feel empty this September 11th, out of the country and away from my home and family in New York City. I passed the morning in silence, alone in my small Parisian apartment watching YouTube.


Beyond Basketball

I boarded a plane with the Duke basketball team Aug. 15 headed to Shanghai for an international basketball tour that would bring us completely around the world in two weeks.


The City This September

I’m on the second floor of the expansive Time Warner Center in the heart of Manhattan. All around me are life-size photographs of individuals with fierce looks in their eyes. There are firefighters...


DiVE in at Duke

You rustle frantically through the objects on your kitchen counter, ignoring the escalating whistle of the tea kettle. Outside, a car horn blares impatiently. You look behind the toaster—even in...


The Ten-Year Audible

Coach didn’t cancel practice on 9/11. The sun kept beating down our 15-year-old backs, whistles pierced the air and our cleats dug into the ground. It was football season in Texas, and life fumbled...


Remembering Duke's Lost

John “Rob” Lenoir, Trinity ’84, wore glasses. After a day of trading bonds at Sandler O’Neill, on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center’s south tower Rob would wrestle with his kids.