Recess | Culture


Jay Sean to get 'Down' at LDOC

“Do you remember?” is a question that carries extra weight during the beer-soaked revelry of LDOC. Jay Sean doesn’t mean it that way, but you can rest assured that the British pop star will perform...


Rooney moves beyond OC

In the midst of the five hours set aside for the LDOC concert, Cali-steeped surf-pop outfit Rooney should make the stage shine a little brighter. Sonia Havele talks to Rooney frontman Robert...

The Duke Chronicle

Tauri Wind - Wayward Traveler

Tauri Wind’s debut EP, Wayward Traveler, is rife with jazz inflections and the throwback feel of ’90s rock. But nostalgia shouldn’t distract from what this record really is: the music of five guys...