
The Duke Chronicle

Civil rights activist recognized

Thirty years ago, Exalted Grand Cyclops of the Durham Ku Klux Klan C.P. Ellis was enlisted by a city council member to co-chair a community committee addressing school desegregation problems.

The Duke Chronicle

Eighteen men land in converted dorm rooms

Although it has only been six days since returning study abroad students moved into their converted West Campus dorm rooms, resident responses seem to already suggest the new housing situation's...

The Duke Chronicle

Students weigh in on new Towerview

After a semester in place, the new traffic structures on Towerview Road have received mixed reviews from students, who use the route most frequently on their way to the Blue Zone.

The Duke Chronicle

Largest gift ever: Nicholases donates $72M

An eleventh-hour, $72 million gift from Peter and Ginny Nicholas, co-chairs of the recently concluded Campaign for Duke, pushed the final campaign total to a record $2,361,205,387, President Nan...

The Duke Chronicle

SmartHouse to arrive summer '05

After a long day of classes, senior Joe Bluedevil approaches the door of his Central Campus house and puts his thumb up to a fingerprint scanner near the entrance.

The Duke Chronicle

McLendon outlines top priorities

What is it about future Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences George McLendon that makes him so appealing to Provost Peter Lange and the search committee that nominated him for the job? In part,...