Sigma Pi granted official colony status

As of yesterday, the new Sigma Pi fraternity was officially recognized by the Interfraternity Council. Sunday’s official pinning ceremony was the culmination of years of planning between Duke University and Sigma Pi representatives Adrian Rodgers and Joe Ruggieri.

The group was granted official colony status by Sigma Pi, which gives all students the same membership status as fully recognized members of Sigma Pi. Over the next few years, the colony will work toward charter status by meeting certain membership goals and completing specific projects. The process generally takes between one and two years.

Sigma Pi representatives arrived in Durham in early February, just as Spring rush drew to a close. Within a few days, there were flyers all around campus and people were abuzz about the prospect of a new fraternity.

“Starting up after Rush kind of helped us here,” said Ruggieri. “It helped show that there was still an opportunity to join a fraternity. Also, we attracted a different market—people who wanted to start something new.”

Sigma Pi has experienced relative success in the initial recruitment stage, with approximately 45 men applying for membership. The applicants represent a diverse  student population—with less than 50 percent of applicants currently freshmen.

“This has been a tremendously successful expansion for us,” Rodgers said. “We have spoken with literally hundreds of undergraduates who have been very eager to be involved with something new that they can mold into what they feel a fraternity should be.”

Other members of Duke Greek Life have noticed the recent activity of the incoming fraternity and have been impressed by the rapid expansion of Sigma Pi, as well as by the number of students who have taken interest.

“They have approached a large number of underclassmen and upperclassmen alike, and the response from them has been encouraging,” said Adam DeWolf, former Executive Vice President of the IFC. “I am sure that by the end of this process, they will have a solid group of new members and will quickly become an integral part of the Interfraternity Council.”

As the process draws to a close, Rodgers and Ruggieri are both excited and optimistic about the future for this new colony. Both felt welcomed by the strong sense of community at Duke, and are hopeful for the continued expansion of the fraternity into a major component of life at Duke.

“What really impresses me is that every guy has asked if they could be a leader,” Rodgers said. “That’s a great sign that they all really want to make this the best it can be.”


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