Sam Schlinkert


The Duke Chronicle

The Popular Vote

The Duke Student Government subcommittee on electoral reform met last night to discuss possible alternative methods for electing the next DSG president. Citing the success of the reformed Young...

The Duke Chronicle


Once settled at brunch, the stories start to come out one by one, gradually and then suddenly. Everyone’s night is eventually put together.


Social activity

Beer, liquor, sweat, blood and whatever other social activity these kids spill at night form a frat runoff that must go somewhere.

Each year students gather on Main West Quad for Joe College Day, an event put on by the Duke University Union that brings multiple bands to campus to put on a free outdoor concert.  This year's event included performances from Delta Rae, Bally-Hoo!, Matt Wertz, Cage the Elephant, and Pretty Lights.

The Idea of the Chapel

I know next to nothing about our Chapel. I think I’ve only been inside it once—Maya Angelou comes every month, right?—and what’s more, I’m about as religious as a Marxist eating Chinese take-out on...

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