Jack Dolgin


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The benefit of the doubt

If there’s a reason I’ve contributed as much as I have to The Chronicle in four years, it’s because of a desire for truth. I think we reporters serve a real purpose in bringing topics to light that deserve the light—I have proudly seen my friends write about sexual assault, Tallman Trask and even Pitchforks at its prime hour, 2 a.m. on a Sunday.

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The group gathered around the James B. Duke statue .

The group gathered around the James B. Duke statue .



William "Tony" Rivera now works for the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland at College Park.

Jack Labosky came through with four extra-base hits in two games against Yale.

Jack Labosky came through with four extra-base hits in two games against Yale.

Griffin Conine smashed a pitch in the third inning over the fence for his second homer of the season.

Griffin Conine smashed a pitch in the third inning over the fence for his second homer of the season.

Entering his sixth year as Duke’s head coach, Chris Pollard is evaluating players based on both traditional metrics and more advanced stats the team can get access to.

Entering his sixth year as Duke’s head coach, Chris Pollard is evaluating players based on both traditional metrics and more advanced stats the team can get access to.

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