Emily Almas


The Duke Chronicle

How do I love thee, Durham?

There is a T-shirt balled up somewhere in the back of my closet with a simple slogan: "Durham Love Yourself." I bought it my sophomore year of college and promptly wore it home on break, only to...

The Duke Chronicle

Riding The A Train

This is your brain: Exam week. No time to sleep. Papers to write. Problem set in desperate need of solutions. No clean underwear left. Lab report due in three hours. This is your brain on Adderall:...

The Duke Chronicle

One DukeCard at a time

Life is weird. I've never won a single lottery, raffle or drawing. And yet, I somehow hit the jackpot when there was a .006 percent chance of winning. Some call it karma, some call it fate and...

The Duke Chronicle


This is your brain: Exam week. No time to sleep. Papers to write. Problem set in desperate need of solutions. No clean underwear left. Lab report due in three hours. This is your brain on Adderall:...

The Duke Chronicle

The Contenders

They play varsity sports and compete on the quiz bowl team. From rural Indiana to the suburbs of Detroit, from across the Atlantic to down the street, high school seniors everywhere have gone...

The Duke Chronicle

From corn husk to bio-bus

Got gas? The buses and utility vehicles at Duke don't-at least not in the traditional sense. Duke has been utilizing alternative fuels since the late 1990s, including biodiesel and natural gas...

The Duke Chronicle

Saving Miss O

Miss O, as she is affectionately called, has 193 children. As she sits on a bench in the entryway to the Gilbert-Addoms dormitory one afternoon, college freshmen bustle around her-returning home...

The Duke Chronicle

Deserving of Death?

No one, it seemed, wanted Elias Syriani to die. The protestors huddled together in puffy nylon coats, woven knit caps and thick fleece sweaters, grasping candles lit inside flower-print Dixie Cups...

The Duke Chronicle

Starting Over 101

Amy Myers wasn't going to be spending her 21st birthday, a Saturday in the end of September, like she imagined.

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