
The Duke Chronicle

Helping out in Durham

Do you ever wonder where your $120 student activities fee goes? This semester alone, I paid $248 so that we have an afternoon barbecue or a band play on the quad whenever Campus Council desires.

The Duke Chronicle

Register where it counts

In dorm halls and on bathroom doors, students are seeing signs for One Sweet Vote, a program designed to entice undergraduates to request absentee ballots and participate in the national election.

The Duke Chronicle

PSM need not sign statements

Last Thursday, the Joint Israel Initiative issued an open letter to the organizers of the Palestine Solidarity Movement conference, calling for PSM and Hiwar to sign the statements they claim form...

The Duke Chronicle

Lamer than fiction

Two months away from the election, I should probably pick a candidate. After all, this is the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER as everybody keeps reminding me.

The Duke Chronicle

What the hell does 'rant' mean?

What happened to the benches at the bus stop on main West? Undergraduates, graduates and visiting professors who aren’t given a parking space on West and random visiting high school students...

The Duke Chronicle

Revitalize the Coffeehouse

The East Campus Coffeehouse has long been a quirky, unique haven most frequently utilized by alternative groups, attracting a clientele that might shy away from more mainstream campus culture.

The Duke Chronicle

Pulling the 'White Card'

It’s not every weekend that you find your living room full of smoke and a fire smoldering on your front door. At least, my weekends usually lack this kind of made-for-TV-movie drama.