Opinion | Staff Editorials

The Duke Chronicle

Separate housing from SLG membership

As students come back for the spring, many look forward to a semester of change. For some, there are new classes to explore and appreciate, while the gauntlet of tenting in K-Ville will be the highlight for others.

The Duke Chronicle

Ringing in the New Year

As leaves swirl across stone sidewalks and the wind nips at our noses, campus welcomes students back for the next chapter of their Duke experiences.

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The Duke Chronicle

Take the bait

We on The Chronicle’s Independent Editorial Board have noticed a decline in our readership this semester, so we’ve decided to makes moves to boost our clicks and page views.

The Duke Chronicle

​The underpinnings of Duke culture

Last week, a student and the community of which he is a part were explicitly and violently threatened. The nation over, we find ourselves yet again issuing perfunctory apologies, gathering on symbolic steps and pledging to stand up against hate, only to have another wall defaced, another threat sent to a minority student, another Halloween party where blackface and ethnic identities are paraded as costumes. This rinse and repeat is draining.