Opinion | Columns


Why I stuck around

I still remember the thrill of seeing my first blog post—no matter how much it had to be edited (most of it)—publicized on Twitter and Facebook.


A labor of love

Duke can be scary and overwhelming at times, and being able to set aside a few hours each week to talk to artists, thinkers and dreamers made me see time and time again that Duke isn’t such a bad place after all.


Just my luck

I’ll miss heading up to 301 Flowers every week at 10 p.m. only to leave at 1 a.m., the Chapel lit up behind me, glowing its confirmation of a job well done. 


What is edit board?

Editorial board became that niche I was looking for at Duke, something I could commit myself to while navigating a campus that I still very much felt alienated from.

The pink magnolia flowers are a popular photo spot.

Welcome to spring

It seems like the cherry blossoms are in bloom for good this time. For the past month, we have been getting glimpses at what spring looks like at Duke. In the past two weeks, we have seen spring in full bloom and there is no going back. 

The Plaza misters run on a timer from April to October, regardless of the weather.  Some people have also complained about the misters running at night, but others say they create a nice ambience in the evening.

How to be depressed

One night during my first year, I called my mother in the middle of a breakdown. With tears rolling down my cheeks, I told her that a new mental illness was destroying my life, and that I felt utterly helpless to stop it. “I know how to be anxious, Mom. But I don’t know how to be depressed.” 

Chapel at Dark

A senior spills her secrets

At Duke, you’ll find secrets everywhere you look: in the faces of gargoyles hiding beneath Gothic arches, whispered between students on the bus, buried in the Chapel crypt. 

Special to the Chronicle

Privilege and the idea of myth

I read and appreciated Quinn Edwards’ (P’22) excellent response to the Editorial Board’s spiteful, unproductive, and inconclusive March 29 rant about something-or-other pertaining to the unfortunate state of the Democratic primary. 


Don't forget to call your parents

My phone vibrates. It’s an incoming call from my mom. I pick up and before she can even say hi, I whisper hurriedly, “Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I’m in the library because I have a midterm tomorrow. Can I call you back later?”