
The Duke Chronicle

IGSP adds genomic medicine

The Duke Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy kicked off the new year with the formation of the Center for Genomic Medicine, the critical link connecting scientific research with practical...

The Duke Chronicle

A longtime Yalie heads south

When Richard Brodhead leaves Yale University for Duke at the end of the academic year, it will be the first time in almost 40 years that the Yale College dean and English professor will be...

The Duke Chronicle

McLendon named as A&S dean

George McLendon, chair of Princeton University's chemistry department, has been named by Provost Peter Lange to the position of dean of the faculty of Arts and Sciences.

The Duke Chronicle

Flu season hits hard in N.C.

   Influenza claimed the lives of eight children in North Carolina last month--an amount unusually high for entering January--but officials said there are signs the flu season is past its peak.

The Duke Chronicle

DSG survey: Students say

The results of the Duke Student Government's long-awaited "Visions of Duke" survey were presented at Wednesday's meeting, with student government officials concluding that undergraduates become...