Editorial Board

The Duke Chronicle

​Celebrating our students

This weekend, Duke will host prospective students for the annual Black Student Alliance Invitational (BSAI). The events of the weekend—including panel discussions with current students, a mixer between the Black Women’s Union and Black Men’s Union and National Pan-Hellenic Council step show—are open to all Duke students, but serve to provide a glimpse of life on campus for students deciding between Duke and other colleges and universities.

The Duke Chronicle

A minor choice: majors

As the major declaration process ends with the “Academic Homecoming: Major Madness” event Wednesday evening, many sophomores will indubitably find themselves picking up a t-shirt with the name of a major that they are less than excited about.

The Duke Chronicle

Rethinking healthcare

Last Friday, in a high stakes match of politic chicken that pitted President Donald Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan against members of their own party, the Affordable Care Act was set to the guillotine. Repealing the act, colloquially known as Obamacare, had long been a goal of all three actors and groups, and each was eager to see to its demise.

The Duke Chronicle

Dude, where's my degree?

When passing judgment on student athletes at Duke, it critical to look beyond the overly publicized promotion of Duke men’s basketball, including the phenomenon of one and done players. The clear majority of Duke student athletes are on campus for the sole purpose of learning at a world class university. 

The Duke Chronicle

​(Purchase) power of donors

On Monday, James H. Ball Sr. and Wendy A. Ball, parents of Duke alumni, published a letter in the Chronicle establishing the cessation of their long-standing monetary support for the University, in light of political and atmospheric changes they have perceived to be harmful. 

The Duke Chronicle

Going high with Gorsuch

Amidst media fervor about Russian hackers, Republican infighting and fake presidential wiretaps, a previously controversial situation has quietly evolved beyond notice of the general populace: the nomination for Antonin Scalia’s vacated seat on the Supreme Court.

The Duke Chronicle

A day in the life

Duke always garners attention in the media because our student body fascinates the nation. The wealth, the power and the selectivity Duke represents are the makings of any good click-bait title, so I will be giving the world a sneak peak into the secret and mysterious lives of Duke students.

The Duke Chronicle

​Growing (and embracing) our university

Over the past year, members of the faculty, administration and student body were consulted about this complete overhaul of the current Trinity curriculum. As the dean of academic affairs noted, such monumental changes in trajectory “do not happen often historically,” so we utilize this opportunity to reflect on Duke’s niche among peer institutions.

The Duke Chronicle

A country for all of us

Some of the last words Srinivas Kuchibhotla ever heard were “get out of my country." Then he, along with two other Indian men, was shot in what can only be called a hate crime.