Delta Lambda Phi—a new kind of frat?

The University of Iowa seeks to establish a chapter of Delta Lambda Phi, an entirely gay fraternity, on its campus.

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Delta Lambda Phi was originally founded in 1986 and is a fraternity for gay, bisexual and progressive men.  It is said to provide a niche for gay men in a greek system that otherwise marginalizes that population.  The fraternity currently has 31 chapters in universities nationwide, as well as one in Quebec.

Many Duke students expressed concern that the existence of the fraternity would perpetuate exclusion instead of foster integration.

“It’s great that they’re able to do that, but I hope it’s not because they feel uncomfortable in the existing greek community,” said sophomore Ainsley Mcwilliams, member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. “I have LGBT family members at other colleges that are part of their greek system and accepted for who they are.”

Although general support for the fraternity is expressed, concern that it segregates students instead of uniting them remains prevalent.

“I hope it doesn’t become a really exclusionary thing that divides the LGBT community from the rest of the Greek community,” said sophomore Caitlin Cleaver, member of Alpha Phi. “It would be great if it fosters LGBT awareness on campus and brings that community closer to the Greek system.  I hope this happens and not the divide.”

Some Dukies also empathized with the need for a place that accepts diversity and welcomes individuals who have previously faced discrimination.

“Historically, fraternities and sororities have not been the most open to LGBT individuals so this provides a place for LGBT students to feel welcomed but still Greek affiliated,” remarked sophomore Denzell Faison.

Concerns about the potentially divisionary affects of an entirely gay fraternity are prominent, Duke students also recognize the necessity for a place where all are welcomed, including those LGBT individuals who may have faced discrimination from the very Greek system they now attempt to join.


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