Duke in Top 25 for Peace Corps Volunteering Ranking

This year Duke ranks among the Peace Corps list of the Top 25 medium sized colleges and universities producing Peace Corps volunteers. There are currently 21 alumni serving abroad, earning Duke the twenty-fifth spot on the list.

Since the programs’ inception in 1961, 649 Duke Alumni have heeded John F. Kennedy’s challenge “to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries.” Marques Anderson, Duke’s campus recruiter and ex-Peace Corps volunteer, believes student applicants benefit from this large network of alumni.

“At Duke, students come in contact with people who already have experience,” Anderson said. “They can ask particular questions, and get a close and personal look.”

Duke’s emphasis on global education and programs such as DukeEngage also provide students a glimpse into international service work said Anderson. However, he noted that this does not necessarily give Duke students an edge.

“These programs are helpful but not necessary,” said Anderson. “We look at [an applicants’] skill sets and their passion to go abroad, and for the people who want it the most.”

This year the Peace Corps celebrates 50 years of service. The program currently works in 77 countries worldwide on issues related to education, health & HIV/AIDs, business development, youth development, the environment and agriculture. Volunteers serve for a minimum of 27 months.


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