The Chronicle's Sports Blog's Bracket Challenge

Think you know more about basketball than The Chronicle's writers? Looking for another pool to showcase your perfect bracket? Want to pick against Duke and be in the minority? Then we have the Bracket Challenge for you.

We're proud to announce The Chronicle's Sports Blog's first-ever Bracket Challenge, free and very, very open to the public. The pool will be hosted by ESPN, and here's what you have to do to sign up:

That's it!

What's in it for you? Bragging rights, for one. But the winner of the Bracket Challenge will also be featured (with your picture, if you want!) in a blog post after the NCAA Tournament, so you'll have that goin' for you, which is nice. Over the next few days, Chronicle staffers will defend their brackets, so you can cull some advice from them, too. Entries will be accepted until the first game Thursday, but don't wait: Sign up now, and tell your friends!


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