Editorial remains anonymous

Sarah Ball and Seyward Darby's justifications for revealing the identities of the Monday, Monday authors are hypocritical. One need only look a few inches to the left of their columns from the last few days to see that they personally hide behind the anonymity that they now condemn. Every single day, The Chronicle runs an anonymous editorial in the form of the staff editorial which apparently "represent[s] the majority view of the editorial board." This explanation is unacceptable. Somebody writes those words; they do not spring forth from some collective will of the editorial board and then magically appear on the editorial page the next day.

The true authors of these columns are never known to the Duke community and consequently cannot be held accountable in any sense. Until the names of those most directly responsible for the authoring of each individual staff editorial appear in print, Ball and Darby's arguments will be fatally flawed. I challenge the editorial board to live up to its own standards.

David Earley

Trinity '07


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