Duke Dems encourage filibuster

The potential confirmation of Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court raises many concerns for our country. Privacy rights, abortion, race relations, environment and religion are a few of the deepest concerns. The threat of an extremist in Alito to fill the gap of a trusty moderate swing-voter in Sandra Day O'Connor may lead to a filibuster in the Senate. The filibuster is a very powerful tradition used by Senators to delay or prevent a vote by lengthy speeches. It is one of the most time-honored explicit expressions of disapproval.

The unacceptability of confirming Alito must be known outside Washington. Here at Duke, we must demonstrate. From 10:30 to 3:30 Jan. 11 to Jan. 15, the Duke Democrats will hold a filibuster with the help of supporting groups on campus. It is important that the Duke Democrats hold this not just for our community to recognize that Alito's conformation is unacceptable but also to allow all those who also disapprove to join and make their opinions public.

Mike Palmer

Trinity '08

Duke Democrats Press Committee Chair


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