Forum on race relations scheduled

We, the Executive Board of the Center for Race Relations, are deeply concerned about the state of current dialogue on campus, which is hindering and polarizing conversations within our student body.

As our mission statement declares: “The CRR desires that Duke’s community will be one of inclusion and respect that recognizes, appreciates and values differences among individuals.”

Our vision is that Duke will one day be free from bigotry in all its forms. Suppression and labeling do not allow us to constructively address the current conversations while also respecting our own emotions. If we cannot approach this subject intelligently and thoughtfully at our University, where will this conversation occur?

We wish to validate the emotions, histories and opinions of all individuals, no matter how divergent they may be, seeking reconciliation in the long term and mutual respect in the short term.

We all can work to achieve these goals through honest, open and respectful dialogue in a space that is safe for everyone. Essentially, we need to be honest with ourselves and listen to one another.

Let us be clear: The CRR does not agree with hurtful, silencing language or reactionary labeling in any of its forms, and the Executive Board empathizes with all of the students who are hurting.

But there are more than two sides to this issue; we do not stand behind the silencing of any viewpoints.

We have waited until now to respond to current dialogue to discuss issues recently raised on campus ourselves, and come to a contemplative, mutual understanding of how best to respond. Dialogue is integral to achieve respect and reconciliation, and thus although Philip Kurian’s inflammatory and controversial column did create conversation on campus, we seek to foster a different type of dialogue.

We invite all members of the Duke community to join us this Thursday, Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mary Lou Williams Center for a facilitated discussion of the deeper issues evoked by Kurian’s column. These issues cannot be resolved in one night of discussion; however, Thursday’s dialogue will build a foundation for subsequent weekly dialogues.

We hope that the intense emotions instigated from this letter will lead to constructive action and serve to promote challenging conversations, not stifle them.



The Executive Board

The Center for Race Relations


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