Letters to the Editor: International Association and Council offers endorsements

The International Association and Council endorse the following candidates for DSG executive offices:

Joel Kliksberg for vice president of community interaction; Chase Johnson for vice president of academic affairs; Mark Middaugh for vice president of student affairs; Andrew Wisnewski for executive vice president; and Anthony Vitarelli for president.

We cite immensely successful working relationships with Kliksberg, Wisnewski and Vitarelli as our primary basis for judgment, and are confident that their proven track record of results-driven leadership will continue. That they have not been able to effect greater change thus far is merely a result of bureaucratic limitations, and we are certain that if they are moved to the top of the heap, their enthusiasm and competence will spark sweeping reforms across Duke's campus.

Lauren Bedsole, Trinity '04

President, International Council

Yvonne Cao, Trinity '05

President, International Association


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