TRENDS: 10 Things To Do At Formal...

  1. Eat!

It's time to ditch the diet. Dancing kills 500 calories, kissing burns 75 and sexual activity burns 150. Your body needs fuel, and anyway, guys think it's sexy when a girl eats a steak.

  1. Play a Part

Love Nicole Kidman? Grab a curling iron. Wannabe Marilyn? Get into a hot halter dress. Formal is fun, so ditch the basic black and get inspired. Renting Breakfast at Tiffany's, Moulin Rouge and Sex and the City are great starting points.

  1. Primp

Formal prep is not like midterm studying - don't leave it 'til the last minute. You should be in the shower two hours before your date hits your hall.

  1. Forget Bedtime

Afterparties are an art. Rent movies, invade Cantina, set up a martini bar in your kitchen or a slip 'n' slide on your quad. There's no excuse to be in bed after formal, unless there's someone in there with you.

  1. Flaunt It

Walk down the quad in your dress. Bonus points if you walk by an ex, a crush or the girl who gives you dirty looks in art history class. Extra props to girls who invade a section to get "a guy perspective" on their outfits.

  1. Make Kodak Moments

Don't forget your camera; you'll be jealous later when everyone else has evidence that they were hot in college.

  1. Slip into Something More Comfortable

Like flip flops. Those Charles David stilettos look hot, but you'll look hotter if you can walk and dance with your usual flair. Tote Tevas along for maximum dance floor damage.

  1. DANCE!

Wallflowers are never cool, not even when they're in a band with Jacob Dylan. Shake your ass and live it up.

  1. Bond

Cheesy but true: Formal is a great time to enjoy and appreciate your friends. Even if your date looks like Jake Gyllenhaal, take some time to relish your girls.

  1. Your Date

-Faran Krentcil


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