Golden Girls

Ever wonder who hands out the Golden Globes? Yeah, Recess didn't care either, until it discovered some interesting facts about the handful of celebs who passed out the almost-Oscars in their youth.

You see, it turns out that Miss Golden Globe (yes, that's the real title, first created in 1973) is elected every year. The official rule states that Miss Golden Globe must be "the daughter of a well-known performer."

The unofficial rules for the winner? Blonde tips, brown roots, and a hefty case of wannabe. Although we're not sure that giving cheesy statues is the best way to fame, it has proved helpful to several household names. Melanie Griffith, daughter of Hitchcock darling Tippi Hendrix, was Miss Golden Globe in 1974-a decade before Working Girl made her a bona fide star. Indie film princess (and Jurassic Park star) Laura Dern passed out the golden goods in 1982. Jodie Foster was handed her Best Actress prize (in 1992 for Silence of the Lambs) by Joely Fischer, a B-movie queen now on Broadway in Cabaret. And almost everyone turned the channel in 2000, when Liza Huber, putrid daughter of Susan Lucci, was anything but an American Beauty.

This year, Katie Flynn, the daughter of Jane Seymour, will do the honors. Recess thinks she'll be great, but our favorite presenter was still back in 1996, when Freddie Prinze Jr. proved he was all that, and broke through the glass-slipper ceiling, as the one of only a handful of Mr. Golden Globes.


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