Enforcement of parking and traffic rules to increase

In an attempt to ensure safe travel, accessibility by emergency vehicles and maximum parking availability on campus, Campus Police along with Parking Services, will begin more closely monitoring parking and traffic. This enforcement is necessary in part due to an increase in drivers who violate speed regulations on campus, individuals who park in unauthorized parking zones and the difficulty recently experienced by emergency vehicles-fire trucks and ambulances-attempting to maneuver around campus.

Throughout campus new signs have been erected to better designate parking areas and to inform drivers of the possibility of being ticketed or towed. Vehicles must be parked in designated spaces only. Spaces that are marked with signage as reserved for a specific vehicle or type of vehicle (i.e. service vehicle, reserved space, etc.) will be enforced 24 hours, seven days a week. During special events, parking attendants as well as signs will be posted to assist patrons with parking. Violators will be issued a citation and possibly towed.

The posted speed limit throughout campus is 25 miles per hour. Our observations indicate that drivers dangerously exceed that on a regular basis. With a growing number of cyclist and pedestrians traversing our campus it is imperative that drivers observe this speed limit. Campus Police will begin to enforce the posted limit more strictly in the coming weeks.

We have been fortunate that accidents causing personal injury or property damage have been few in number. To reduce further that number and provide safe parking for as many as possible, everyone who brings a vehicle onto our campus must conform to the traffic and parking regulations.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and support of our efforts in maintaining a safe environment for everyone at Duke.

Clarence Birkhead

Chief of Police,

Duke University Police Department


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