
At the Drive-In

Relationship of Command

This is the sound of the screws turning in your skull. This is the sound of a vintage Pontiac GTO hitting a brick wall in the middle of an action flick. At the Drive-In sound like the unholy marriage of Rage Against the Machine and Fugazi being battered about in a police chase. Not only are they the media's latest darlings, but they'll definitely make most people's ears bleed. This isn't for everyone, but those who are willing to take the risk will be rewarded. GRADE: B+

-By Jonas Blank

Joan of Arc

The Gap

This is the sort of pretentious shite that makes people hate art-rock. A dissonant guitar chord. A noise made by a PowerBook. A pointless line from the singer. A few drums. None of these at the same time. Except that it's all quite brilliant. It might not win over new fans, but The Gap offers a strangely enchanting deconstruction of rock music and all that it stands for. GRADE: A

-By Robert Kelley

Add N To X

Add Insult To Injury

If your idea of quality music is scary French toddlers shouting algebraic equations, you're in for a big treat with this CD. If your tastes run more along conventional lines, this album will probably frighten you. Either way, Add N to X's new release is filled with interesting electronic sounds and robotic voices that will make you wax nostalgic for your Speak N' Spell. GRADE: B

-By Kelly McVicker


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