Keesha Brown


The Duke Chronicle

When the world is your studio

I was on my way to East Campus one day when I noticed something very odd, something I definitely hadn't noticed before. The bridge that so many Dukies pass under every day was sporting a fresh,...

The Duke Chronicle

Libraries 'R' Us

I can't possibly be the only one wishing Spring Break was right around the corner... again. Two weeks ago, whether it was at home, a tropical island or Anchorage (unless you. actually live in...

The Duke Chronicle

Promise you'll hire me

Many of my senior friends have been taking mini-vacations for job interviews since around or before January. In the days prior to their trips, they explain to me this overwhelming, life-consuming...

The Duke Chronicle

Video games make better surgeons

Many will agree that students at Duke have engaged in serious discussions about what's going on at this school, all the while making sure that they spend an extreme amount of time and effort studying.

The Duke Chronicle

What's in a word?

I love words. Words are the basis of communication and without them, I could not enjoy my so-called life as a writer or a logophile. To be a writer means to be able to let others know they aren't...

The Duke Chronicle

What about the polar bears?

I'm not exactly sure how big decisions are made at Duke, and I'm hard-pressed to find many students who are, but I imagine that administrators meet and sit around thinking of things that would...

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