Julie Stolberg


The Duke Chronicle

Duke names dean of Chapel

Rev. Samuel Wells, a fourth generation pastor in the Anglican Church, will cross the Atlantic Ocean this August to begin his role as dean of Duke Chapel and chief spiritual figure on campus.

The Duke Chronicle

Students want end to linking

While Campus Council has vied, vetted and will vote tonight on whether to abandon the links between East Campus dorms and West Campus quads, students affected by the plan are fairly enthusiastic...

The Duke Chronicle

Controversial speaker approved

Head Line Monitor Steve Rawson made a special presentation at Tuesday night"s Duke Student Government meeting to describe the 'catastrophic success' of White Tenting registration.

The Duke Chronicle

3 seniors named Trustee finalists

After two hours of deliberation Tuesday night, the Undergraduate Young Trustee Nominating Committee chose three seniors to advance to the final round of the Young Trustee selection process.

The Duke Chronicle

DSG tables controversial speaker

Lackluster attendance by senators Tuesday night allowed the Duke Student Government to avert a controversial vote on funding allocation for a Lambda Pi Chi sorority-sponsored performance by Jose...

The Duke Chronicle

8 make next trustee round

Eight campus leaders with résumés that bulge with prestigious University positions, academic accolades and distinguishing internships progressed to the next round in the undergraduate Young Trustee...

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