Daniel Bowes


The Duke Chronicle

The worst sound at Duke

You had to have heard it at some point this past week. It was everywhere, all at once-a huge, collective sigh of relief. Heck, you can still hear it now. I've decided that it is probably the worst...

The Duke Chronicle

To the residents of Durham

Let me begin by apologizing to Durham residents for the transgressions of my fellow students. To be clear, my apology is not for the alleged crimes of the Duke lacrosse team-I can apologize only...

The Duke Chronicle

True service lies in sacrifice

As dependent on mainstream media as anyone, I thought I'd be spending my spring break putting the finishing touches on restored homes in New Orleans. After all, the reports I saw said that the...

The Duke Chronicle

The extra buck

Last year it seemed as if anyone with a semester of Econ 51 under his belt, a conservative leaning and a bit of free time took the opportunity to characterize the campaign for a living wage at Duke...

The Duke Chronicle

You're a terrorist

A crisis is here and now, and it's time for you to recognize it. I'm a terrorist. You're a terrorist. Richard Brodhead is definitely a terrorist. If the more publicized aspects of...

The Duke Chronicle

It's not our problem, is it?

"One of you two is going to hang for this. Since you're the nigger, you're elected." This is not the climax of an overly-dramatic made-for-television movie. Nor is it an irrelevant memory confined...

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