Recess | Local

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Cecy’s Art Hall seeks to establish permanent place for art in Durham’s Central Park

With almost 10 percent of its undergraduate population hailing from New York, Duke’s student body may have a different idea of what constitutes “Central Park” than local Durhamites. Located just off Main Street and next to the YMCA, Durham Central Park features a playground and hosts the renowned farmers' and art market that also bring food trucks, music and crafts to town. 


Blackspace and FTMF Talent celebrate Durham's black history in MLK Day show

On Feb. 16, 1960, Martin Luther King, Jr., visited Durham’s White Rock Baptist Church — one of five trips he would ultimately make to the city. The speech, delivered to a standing-room-only crowd of an estimated 1,200 people, came just days after four students had initiated a sit-in at Greensboro, N.C.’s Woolworth department store, in what would become one of the most influential protests of the civil rights movement.

Downtown Durham.

A Recess guide to local holiday celebrations

As the campus trees change color, a chill fills the air and the sense of dread surrounding finals sets in, Duke is settling into winter. Although it may be difficult to feel festive between exams and essays, the holiday season is a great excuse to take a study break. Here are some upcoming wintry events around Duke and the Triangle to explore this month.


Durham Art Guild Art-A-Thon event draws diversity of artists

The weekend before Thanksgiving, the first floor gallery of the Durham Art Council’s building was filled with people gathered to see artists in their temporary studios and purchase their works. All of the artists who participated in the Art-A-Thon event Nov. 17 and 18 were members of the Durham Art Guild, an organization founded in 1948 by a group of artists.