Opinion Columns

The Duke Chronicle

Maximizing your ACES potential

One of my favorite distractions from doing homework is intricately planning the next few years of my life. Since freshman year, I've spent countless hours on ACES writing down every class that I...

The Duke Chronicle

Red Auerbach's legacy

The morning after Red Auerbach died, I went to the library. I went looking for a book that John Feinstein wrote with Auerbach in 2004 called Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game. I...

The Duke Chronicle

Blue Devilled Eggs

Every month or so, there is an ad in The Chronicle. Way in the back with the ads looking for bartenders and care for the elderly. The ad has been placed by a loving couple. They'd like you to be...

The Duke Chronicle

Bureaucracy and the academy

As I prepare for my final 7 a.m. bout with ACES, I realize that over the years these registration windows have been geared as much toward satisfying graduation requirements as they have my...

The Duke Chronicle

Ghost stories

Know any good ghost stories? Any spooky tales of the weird and uncanny? I don't. Of the very many I've heard over the years, I can't recall a single one. You'd think after years as a Boy Scout and...

The Duke Chronicle

The real Rick Santorum

Every poll suggests that Rick Santorum will lose his race to return to the U.S. Senate. That's probably good news in Pennsylvania's bobo suburbs, where folks regard Santorum as an ideological...

The Duke Chronicle

Duke supports voter registration

Over the past few weeks, questions have been raised about Duke University's position on voter registration, especially surrounding a decision by Duke Athletics not to permit voter registration in...

The Duke Chronicle

What would Finland do?

As the bottomless bookbag of ACES opens its jaws and you take the courageous leap into the academic abyss, think about this: In the near future, Trinity administrators could force you to take less...

The Duke Chronicle

Undress to impress

When we Dukies were younger, once a year we got to dress up as a princess or a super hero and parade around our neighborhoods collecting candy from nearby houses. We would spend hours in Party City...

The Duke Chronicle

RLHS' new inspiration

RLHS hates fraternities. And now they're employing new tactics to prove it: institutional theft. This essay is the story of how they stole from me.

The Duke Chronicle

Our culture of crassness, defined

Proffered examples of our crass behavior abound, including everything from standard weekend bacchanalia to subtle forms of sexual harassment. Speculation on the origins of and possible remedies for...

The Duke Chronicle

License to disrupt

When the conservative Academic Bill of Rights author David Horowitz spoke in Page Auditorium last March, a handful of Duke affiliates tried to silence him. The few faculty and students who did...

The Duke Chronicle

It will be worse

If there is one thing I have come to appreciate during my past five months of study in Vietnam and Uganda, it is the strength of American democracy. In the United States, elections are free, we...

The Duke Chronicle

Get a job

How many papers have I written at Duke? How many pages of analysis, memos, research and reports have I wrenched out of my head during my three-and-a-half years of collegiate-level academics? More...

The Duke Chronicle

Making Duke perfect: Part II

This column is of a different tenor. It addresses not University policy but University life. I would without a moment's hesitation sacrifice the implementation of this entire second part of my...