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Alanis Morissette

(11/13/98 5:00am)

Let's just say, hypothetically of course, that Alanis Morissette is a freshman here at Duke, and her newest album, Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie, is her first semester (this is a metaphor, go with it). Then this semester would be a typical of first semesters-it starts off with some really, really bad grades (songs), but recovers late with some drastically improved time-management strategies and, well, grades (songs, again).

Wrestling nation

(11/06/98 5:00am)

OK, by now we all know that former World Wrestling Federation mainstay Jesse (previously "The Body," futurely "The Mind") Ventura has been elected Governor of Minnesota. We know that that makes him the highest-ranking member of the Reform Party (the third political party, formed by Ross Perot in the early '90s). And we know that that mean's he's the leading candidate for that party's presidential nomination come 2000.

Late-night Waffle House run yields look at human psyche

(10/22/98 4:00am)

I was pulling a late night study session earlier this week and was taken by a case of the munchies: You know the deal, when your stomach growl makes more noise than your next door neighbor's stereo. Knowing that this was no condition to be in while trying to learn a thing or two, I decided to head for the hills-Hillsborough Road that is-and get some food at Waffle House, open 24 hours a day for people just like me. What I didn't realize was the drama I was about to sit through, the drama of everyday people.

DJ Spooky

(10/16/98 4:00am)

Finally, here's a DJ who knows what he's doing. On Riddim Warfare, DJ Spooky somehow manages to establish an old-school vibe through a contemporary collection of sounds. If you aren't sure what that means, pick up the album and listen for yourself: You'll be glad you did.

Lauryn Hill

(09/04/98 4:00am)

Lauryn Hill wants you in her life. She wants to tell you about her childhood, lost love, her wonderful young son, and her views on society and its treatment of women. But she doesn't just want to tell you-she wants to sing it to you, which makes it worth hearing.