Everybody loves Kevin Pangos

HOUSTON—We've all seen the new ESPN 30-for-30 film entitled Everybody Hates Christian Laettner.

The documentary detailed why everybody hates Laettner, even now. And one of the primary reasons was because he was a pretty-boy player who seemed overly concerned with the way his hair looks. Forget the fact that he was the best college basketball player in the country and put together one of the best college basketball careers in the history of the sport. People hated Laettner as much for his talent as for his looks.

Now look at Kevin Pangos.

If the kid played at Duke he would be the most hated player in college basketball. With picturesque hair, a strong, masculine jawline and the skills to guide Gonzaga to the Elite Eight, he's practically begging people to hate him.

Except he's playing in relative obscurity in Spokane, Wash.

The Sporting News called ran a headline calling Pangos 'Baby Steve Nash' two days ago. When you search "Kevin Pangos" on Twitter all you find are people who just want to be friends with Pangos, and want to tell him in person just how nice his hair is.

That's not what people are supposed to do to star players! Where is the ridicule? Where is the trash talking? Even the fact that he's from Canada hasn't deterred the love affair with Gonzaga's fearless leader.

If he played for Duke, perhaps the hate would manifest itself. Heck, Grayson Allen hasn't played huge minutes this year and not even he is immune to the harsh realities of being a Blue Devil.

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Be grateful, Kevin. If you were in Durham, there would be 30-for-30s made about you too.


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