GPSC urges administration to abandon continuation fees

In a moment of solidarity across representatives from each of Duke's nine graduate and professional schools, a resolution urging administration to eliminate continuation fees for doctoral students was approved by the Graduate and Professional Student Council.

Currently, the fee—approximately $6,324 per year for humanities Ph.D. students beyond their fifth year of study—is one of the highest compared to peer institutions, GPSC announced in a press release Tuesday. The resolution suggested that rather than act as an incentive for students to finish on time, the fee provides an unnecessary financial burden that could slow students’ progress as they take on more responsibilities to cover the cost of living.

“Finishing within the allotted time is a goal worth striving for,” Anita Bateman, GPSC General Assembly representative, said in the release. “If one does not reach it, however, the punishment should not be exorbitant fees levied by the Graduate School at their discretion and at a rate that would surely handicap students beyond their time here at Duke.”

Students pursuing their doctorates face a number of expenses—including housing, board and transportation—with relatively few sources of income, the resolution argued.

Sixth or seventh year students without fellowships in departments that do not absorb continuation fees for them will finish their doctorate with a net loss of $31,610, according to the press release

A student with the same profile in a department that absorbed continuation fees would save approximately $10,000—graduating with a net loss of $21,786.

“If we want to be competitive with our peers, we should not be disadvantaging the candidates financially,” said Ben Shellhorn, GPSC president and third year J.D/M.B.A. candidate.

Shellhorn said that in a show of unity, all nine graduate schools have expressed their support for ending the continuation fees for humanities Ph.D. students.

He explained that the next step is presenting the resolution to administrators and deans within each school. Pending their approval, GPSC will work with the individual schools to effectuate the change.


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