Some DSG candidates struggle with attendance

The Duke Student Government vice presidential and senatorial elections are April 10.

Some of the 12 candidates running for election as vice presidents have struggled with attendance in their current positions.

Junior Nikolai Doytchinov, executive vice president, has previously expressed concern about the increasingly poor attendance at DSG Senate meetings.

“When senators skip, DSG loses its input, and constituents lose representation,” Doytchinov previously told The Chronicle.

Title 2, Sections D and E of the DSG Constitution state "two unexcused absences result in bad standing" and "three unexcused absences can result in removal from the Senate."

In order for an absence to be excused, a senator must email the EVP before the meeting with the reason for the missed meeting.

Sophomore Keizra Mecklai is running for vice president for equity and outreach.

Freshman Zachary Gorwitz and sophomore Aubrey Temple are running for vice president for residential life.

Sophomore Tucker Albert and freshman Basil Seif are running for vice president for social culture.

Freshman Ben Salzman and junior David Robertson are running for vice president for Durham and regional affairs.

Sophomore Max Schreiber and junior Ellie Schaack are running for vice president for facilities and the environment.

Junior Ray Li is running for vice president of academic affairs.

Sophomore Billy Silk and junior Taylor Turkeltaub are running for vice president for services.


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