Duke community sounds off on comeback victory against UNC

With Duke’s 73-68 victory against the Tar Heels and subsequent bonfire, the Duke community shared their excitement and thoughts on the course of the game with The Chronicle.

“I’m really proud of the team and really proud of the students.... We want three more bonfires this year. That means we’ll beat Carolina at Carolina, and we’ll win both the men’s and women’s national championships. That’s what we have permits for.”

—Vice President of Student Affairs Larry Moneta

“This is one of the most quintessential Duke experiences because it’s one of the few times of the year when the entire student body gets together and rallies behind one goal, one thing, and it’s awesome. Nothing unites Duke like this than a great basketball win, especially against those Tar Heels.”

—A.J. Biggers, Trinity ’12, who watched the game in Armadillo Grill.

“It’s an amazing feeling to actually be on campus as part of this large amoebic mass.”

—sophomore Jennifer Margono

“It was a great game, and Duke always does really well, and I’m so happy. It’s a really venerated tradition, and [the bonfire] celebrates our tradition really well.

—junior Patrick Oathout, Duke Student Government executive vice president


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