Allow The Blue Devils To Introduce Themselves

During Countdown to Craziness Friday night, the Blue Devils combined the Blue-White game with a videos featuring players, an awards show and a dunk contest, but before all of that, the Duke players strutted out, one-by-one, to entrance music of their choice. Duke even lured Michael Buffer—are you ready to rumble?—into introducing the squad, a nice little touch that, alas, few seemed to acknowledge.

Do the musical selections say anything about the players? Probably not in all cases, but definitely for some.

Of course Nolan Smith came out to Jay-Z's "Public Service Announcement," while rocking some slick stunner shades. (On the other hand, would anyone have blamed him for coming out to Wale's "Chillin'"? He is, after all, from Washington D.C., and he's even tweeted some of the lyrics before.) Brian Zoubek even danced out to "Ice Ice Baby," which got a lot of love from the Cameron Crazies.

Anyway, below is the full list of players' choices.

If you could pick a song for a player, what would it be?


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