sex drive

Anybody who liked Superbad will enjoy Sex Drive just as much. Based on the same brand of hormonal adolescent humor, Sex Drive is an Odyssean adventure. Where Superbad revolved around two similarly misfit male teenagers and their girl problems, Sex Drive tells of Ian's quest to meet his online girlfriend, Ms. Tasty, and subsequently lose his virginity.

Ian (Josh Zuckerman) fits the Michael Cera archetype-a pale, skinny wimp whose desperation to get laid is both sad and funny. Zuckerman portrays a wittier version of the type than Cera's Evan, but the effect is the same. Ian's chubby sidekick, Lance (Clark Duke), is strangely skillful with women. His character seems unbelievable and forced at times, but Duke delivers an adequate performance.

Accompanying this dynamic duo is Felicia (Amanda Crew). Felicia is like Juno-a wannabe punk with a soft heart. Throughout the film, Felicia and Ian share a palpable sexual tension that builds as the trio nears the meeting place where Ian will become a man.

Also featured are James Marsden and Seth Green. Playing Ian's jerk older brother, Marsden nails the role, but his talent is greater than the script. Green plays his usual smarmy self-this time dressed up like an Amish man.

There is nothing unpredictable about Sex Drive, but it is clever and will provide a few laughs. Since it occupies the same niche as Superbad, it won't be anywhere near the hit that was. But really, does this kind of movie ever get old?


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