Choice eats

A few days ago, I was in my car, fondly dubbed Big Pimpin', attempting to meet friends at the Mellow Mushroom at American Tobacco (wonderful pizza, if you haven't tried it). While rocking out to some quality Steven Kellogg and the Sixers, I missed my exit. Subconsciously, I enjoy joyriding in Big Pimpin' too much.

I'm compelled to provide a little background here for those of you who don't know me personally. Last year, after moving to Central Campus, I found myself in dire need of a vehicle. However, when my father said that he would send me a car, I had no idea of the real treat I'd be in for. I had driven a very reliable and lovely car during high school, and it seemed like the logical choice to put on the carrier.

My roommate graciously agreed to sign for the car. I raced home anxiously... and stopped at the door. A sign read, "Welcome to Durham, Big Pimpin." What an odd name to give my little Honda Accord, I mused. Then I saw the paperwork from the carrier company: Name: Neureither. Year, Model, Color: 1991, Lincoln Towncar. White. I grabbed the keys and took the steps to the parking lot two at a time. Upon opening the door, I nearly died. What do you think the interior of my car is? Cloth? Too trite. Leather? Clearly overdone. Think you've figured it out? Yes. the car is velour-Maroon velour. I think the manufacturer had a premonition that 15 years later, I would need a car with an interior that could perfectly match my Juicy sweat suit.

Needless to say, Big Pimpin' has a great deal of personality. Often I see people throwing covetous glances my way. I simply smile, wave and adjust my shades, obviously.

Getting back to the story: I thought I could simply get off at the next exit and find my way back. Right. With my GPS in the most useful place (my apartment) I wound my way through the streets of Durham for about 20 minutes, passing many of the same landmarks more than once. I finally found my way back downtown (by the grace of God, and some quite lovely Durham natives I accosted at a gas station). Just more than a block from the American Tobacco Park, I passed by a restaurant which I'd never noticed before-Bull McCabe's Irish Pub. Being a naturally curious person, that very evening, I dragged my friends away from their normal nightly activities and drove to Bull McCabe's to check it out. I really liked what I found-it's a pretty hip Irish pub with a large selection of beers, features local bands and serves a mean hamburger. I would highly recommend it.

This experience got me thinking: There are so many wonderful restaurants in Durham that we as Duke students rarely frequent, simply because we don't know about them. Bull McCabe's is a prime example. A myriad of other examples come right to mind. Foster's and Mad Hatter's are popular spots, but Guglhupf Bakery and Patisserie is just as delightful. Sit out on their patio or be served in their light and airy dining room-you can order in or visit the bakery, which boasts crusty, melt-in-your-mouth bread. Watts Grocery (great brunch), Wimpy's Grill (hotdogs/hamburgers/biscuits), Honey's (diner food open 24/7) and Fishmonger's (seafood, great for lunch) are also really choice restaurants in Durham that people don't seem to know about. So when you're looking for a place to go eat and hang out with friends, hop in your ride and try somewhere new-escape the "Duke Bubble." Durham awaits.

Megan Neureither is a Trinity senior. Her column runs every other Monday.


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