True Life: I used to be a Duke hater

I'm always amazed at how well Dukie stereotypes are represented by the MTV series True Life-from "I'm a Jersey Shore Girl" and "I'm a Southern Belle," from "I'm Under Peer Pressure" to "I'm An Alcoholic" and "I'll do Anything for Money."

But in the context of these pages, the True Life story I'm about to admit to could be considered even more shocking, dare I say heretical, than any of these.

My name is Meredith Shiner, and I am a former Duke hater.

I admit this dirty little secret knowing it likely will evoke the wrath of online commenters, and perhaps even a little jab from Coach K himself. (Heck, former athletic director Joe Alleva once called me out because he had personally seen me donning University-of-Illinois orange, so it's not like I've done that great of a job of concealing my former identity anyway.)

But I also want to disclose my true history because I know there are some of you out there in the Class of 2012 who might be going through similar mental anguish, and others still who might not care two grade points about sports in the first place. To the second type of student, I hope I can share a bit of what those of us who love sports see. To the first, I think I can help you cope with that one thing I was always so accustomed to hating: Perennial winners.

In short, I have always been that antagonistic sports fan. As a senior in high school, I proudly earned the superlative of "Most likely to start a brawl at a Cubs/Sox game," posing for my north suburban high school's yearbook in a Sox jersey and backwards cap like the badass I am not.

For me, hating Duke was like hating the Yankees or Michigan Football or the Packers-easy.

If you don't believe me, you should ask one Duke senior who was in my high school class. I harassed him every time we passed each other in the hallway for a few fateful months in 2005. He had gotten into Duke early, and I was riding high on the hopes of an Illinois national title. Of course, I couldn't help myself. I told him how much Duke sucked whenever we crossed paths. Needless to say, I was a bit embarrassed when he came up to me with a smile in April and said, "So, I see you're going to Duke?"

Karma's a bitch.

Or maybe it's not.

I also remember standing in the Edward Jones Dome at the Final Four with my dad, just days before discovering where I would be spending the next four years of my life. I gazed around the stadium then looked at him and said, "You know, I'm really going to miss this." I never thought I would go to a school where sports mattered. But then I got into Duke, and I realized that if I sucked up my pride, I could make like Hannah Montana and have the best of both worlds-the academics and the experience.

(Plus, I already hated Sean May and UNC, so I was well on my way to Dukiedom before I even liked the place.)

What really sealed the deal for me, though, was Cameron Indoor Stadium. Stepping into that gymnasium for the first time was like stepping into sports history. The only other time I'd felt that way was at Fenway, and for me, it was something truly special.

But that was just one of many firsts of freshman year, and I envy all of you for being in the position of dewy-eyed Duke newness. You could hate sports from convocation to commencement, and I'd still be jealous of the time that you have.

Because you don't have to love sports to love Duke, and vice-versa. But I do hope that you go to a basketball game at least once in your time here, because, like the Chapel or late-night Cook Out runs, basketball is part of the Duke experience.

The Truth about Duke, contrary to what the haters say, is so simple it's cliche: Duke is what you make of it.

I know a guy who waits in line for Duke basketball games like it's his job (and to my surprise, has yet to come down with pneumonia). I know a girl who couldn't tell you the difference between Brian Zoubek and Nolan Smith if you lined them up right in front of her (and she still cheers at the TV when the guys wearing the Blue jerseys score).

I even know a girl who went from being a Duke hater to sports editor of The Chronicle in a mere three years.

Just don't think I'll ever be a Yankees fan.

Meredith Shiner, Trinity '09, was the sports editor of Volume 103. She will have a weekly column this Fall.


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