Bakery trades hats, stays the same

Management of Mad Hatter's Bakeshop & Cafe has transferred hands to another familiar name for students: Saladelia Cafe.

Robert and Fida Ghanem, the owners of Saladelia who also assumed propriety of Mad Hatter's June 23, said they do not plan to make any changes to the popular Main Street restaurant.

They are working with the current staff to provide the same type of food, desserts and services that have formed Mad Hatter's local repute, Fida Ghanem said.

"We've always loved Mad Hatters," she said. "Saladelia's not taking over.... I think [Mad Hatter's] is a great complement to what we already do."

Jason Balius and Grace Nordhoff, Trinity '82, Mad Hatter's previous owners, sold the restaurant because they will no longer be living in the area, Balius said.


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