Athletics and campus services candidates tout experience

Despite their differences in age and resumes, the two contenders for Duke Student Government vice president for athletics and campus services say they can talk to the University's top dogs.

That ability to speak with a wide range of administrators will be key to whichever candidate wins the race, said junior Sunny Kantha, the current vice president for athletics and campus services.

In addition to requiring interaction with top administrators such as Executive Vice President Tallman Trask and President Richard Brodhead, the position comes with a non-voting seat on the Board of Trustees' Building and Grounds Committee, Kantha said.

Candidate Brett Aresco, a junior and current vice president of Dukes and Duchesses, said his leadership in the club has given him the opportunity to work closely with administrators.

"I consider myself an excellent communicator," Aresco said. "Not only am I personal and personable in my interactions with others, but I can carry that over and already have carried that over with members of the administration."

Opponent Mike Lefevre, a freshman, said he has experience working with Vice President of Campus Services Kemel Dawkins and Director of Dining Services Jim Wulforst on the planned East Campus cafe Le Marche, which he proposed and designed as an athletics and campus services senator this year.

"Experience is at the forefront of my campaign-that sets me apart from my opponent," Lefevre said. "It showed me how to effect real change in the system at Duke."

Aresco said his ties with groups such as Duke University Improv and WXDU, in addition to friendships with students from a wide variety of groups on campus, give him the background needed to succeed in the position.

"I have seen a lot of the Duke experience first-hand," he said. "I form excellent relationships in all that I do here."

Kantha said the future vice president will have to have greater knowledge of programming needs on Central Campus, get students to attend basketball games and make a huge time commitment.

In looking to major challenges, both candidates said there were problems with this year's men's basketball validation system. And both said they would sit down with line monitors and other groups to determine whether or not the system should be reinstated and what changes may be needed.

Lefevre said safety off campus is one of the most important issues to his campaign.

"It is something that campus can't wait for," he said. He said bringing students into Durham to dine and socialize will improve relations and eventually safety.

Aresco said he hopes to improve safety by installing Duke University Police Department call boxes and extending SAFERides to off-campus apartments.

He added that his main priority is "to help the students, to lend an attentive ear, to let them know that student leaders are not as distant as some would purport."

For Lefevre, bringing detailed plans to action is essential.

"Each issue for me is very attainable and very realistic," he said. "They are not just housekeeping issues."


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