Tommy's to bring BBQ to students' dorm doors

Don't feel like trekking to McClendon Tower for hush puppies? Get them delivered to your door.

In response to high student demand, Tommy's Rubs and Grubs will be delivering to on-campus locations starting in the next couple weeks, manager David Dennis said Wednesday.

The diner, well-known for its high-calorie meals and late-night fare, will deliver to students Monday to Friday from 5 to 10 p.m., Dennis said.

He added that many students living far from the restaurant, particularly on East Campus, requested the service to avoid the long walk.

"There's no parking [on campus], so you don't want to walk all the way from Central or East campus[es] to get a sandwich and then walk all the way back," Dennis explained.

The eatery had plans to start the service four or five months ago, he said, but had to delay it because of a lack of response from the University's delivery program.

Students previously requested that Tommy's open for breakfast, but the restaurant discontinued the service due to low response. Dennis said, however, he does expect good student response to the delivery.

Several students said they would welcome the delivery service.

"I'd definitely explore the menu more because I don't come here that often," said sophomore Karen Schroeder, who was dining at the restaurant Wednesday night.


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