DUU OK's WaDuke formal for Spring

Plans for a formal event at the Washington Duke Inn that will encourage faculty-student interaction were approved by Duke University Union administrators at their last weekly meeting of the semester Tuesday night.

Members voted to contribute $10,000 to paying for the formal, which will likely take place on either Feb. 1 or Feb. 15.

"This is something that I think students would enjoy because they get a chance to talk to their faculty and see their faculty outside of classes," said junior Rob Carlson, vice president of internal affairs, who presented the proposal for the event.

Union members established that the formal's primary purpose would be to provide an opportunity for students and faculty to interact in a more casual setting.

Other groups, such as Campus Council and the Student Organization Finance Committee, are also expected to contribute funds.

Tickets are estimated to be around $10 and will be purchased on food points that will go toward paying for the cost of food and alcohol. Students can purchase their tickets prior to the event or at the door for a slightly higher charge.

Members also discussed how to best promote faculty attendance at the event. Students are being encouraged to invite faculty, who will be able to attend free of charge.

Dean of Undergraduate Education Steve Nowicki has expressed a great deal of support for the formal, Carlson said.

"I think that with Steve Nowicki's help we can corral a lot of administrators to go to this," he added.

The event will also operate as an opportunity for a formal function for non-greek students, but greek students are invited to come as well, members said.

In other business:

Union members discussed the possibility of having the chief executive officer of Chipotle come to speak on campus next semester.

They added that he might come free of charge, but few details were known.

Members also expressed an interest in providing some form of burrito-related perk to students who attend.


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