Monday, monday

MILLIonDolaMan47: Whsdskfjkls

VANILLIceMan007: Uh oh.

VANILLIceMan007: This is trouble.

MILLIonDolaMan47: whsya?

VANILLIceMan007: That's why.

VANILLIceMan007: Dude, you have to stop drunk IMing.

MILLIonDolaMan47: It's ATHURSAYDSY!!!!

VANILLIceMan007: Is that supposed to be "Thursday"?

MILLIonDolaMan47: Yesys

MILLIonDolaMan47: Is'msd haveing tuorublre contruolling my fhist hsd fingerwhsh

VANILLIceMan007: Really?

VANILLIceMan007: I can hardly tell.

MILLIonDolaMan47: jireEAYlly?

VANILLIceMan007 s: No.

VANILLIceMan007: Are you actually reading what you're typing?

MILLIonDolaMan47: Nosa

MILLIonDolaMan47: k KI'm eathing a Paulty Dog

VANILLIceMan007: Of course . . . It's all totally clear now.


MILLIonDolaMan47: how are yoau susuuuuuuu?

VANILLIceMan007: Guouououod.

MILLIonDolaMan47: tha'ts amanea

VANILLIceMan007: Oh, simmer down.

VANILLIceMan007: That's not mean.

MILLIonDolaMan47: Hahsahs

MILLIonDolaMan47: iyou should ahs ve come outtt it was aMAzinsgs

VANILLIceMan007: Okay, I'll bite. Where were you partying tonight?

MILLIonDolaMan47: Brwonwestone those kiddds aaer CRAZZYS

MILLIonDolaMan47: 392084092380 perople there

VANILLIceMan007: That many? I'm pretty sure that's about 61 times the world's population.

MILLIonDolaMan47: 12 kegs kicked in 0.5 secondsn


VANILLIceMan007: Studying in Bostock. Bow-stock? Boss-tock?

VANILLIceMan007: Screw it.

MILLIonDolaMan47: whatree ysous doin gin the librarrryais?

VANILLIceMan007: Pausing between bouts of sweet, sweet love-making with three very flexible freshmen.

MILLIonDolaMan47: asjklwerSduisodfhsdghskljdfjh!!@1j!!

VANILLIceMan007: Thought you'd like that.

VANILLIceMan007: Sex in the 'Stock's Stacks.

MILLIonDolaMan47: Ssdxcnnniciicccce

MILLIonDolaMan47: youre'e aso cooler r than I s sthoughted

VANILLIceMan007: Thanks?

VANILLIceMan007: . . .

MILLIonDolaMan47: Wowuld you ratheddr mak eeout with Condolleeza rRice or Hillarys Clintnon?

VANILLIceMan007: Condoleeza Rice. Do we need to talk about this?

MILLIonDolaMan47: Wowuld you calll her Condy?

VANILLIceMan007: Maybe.

VANILLIceMan007: We'd have to see.

VANILLIceMan007: Maybe Condi, with the i instead.

MILLIonDolaMan47: Sdthathss kindksy

VANILLIceMan007: Okay, I'm setting a boundary

VANILLIceMan007: I'd honestly rather not have this conversation. Ever.

MILLIonDolaMan47: thas not verry patriotic.

VANILLIceMan007: So now our patriotism is measured by how aroused we are by the Secretary of State?

MILLIonDolaMan47: iis''ll tism yoursdfwess patriiiot

VANILLIceMan007: That makes no sense.

MILLIonDolaMan47: ok be.d or sick

MILLIonDolaMan47: bed )_ sick

MILLIonDolaMan47: >

MILLIonDolaMan47: IU gotta go got obed

MILLIonDolaMan47: (durnk(

VANILLIceMan007: Oh, you've been drinking?

MILLIonDolaMan47: A ltitel

MILLIonDolaMan47: Byeyeeyeeeeeeeee

VANILLIceMan007: Later



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