Remember Kristallnacht tonight

Sixty-six years ago today, angry mobs, incited by the Nazi party, stormed through the streets of Germany destroying Jewish homes, shops and synagogues as their Jewish occupants were beaten or murdered. Kristallnacht, as the event would come to be called, will forever serve as a solemn reminder of how easily words and ideas can become violent action.

In the wake of recent words written and spoken on campus, it has become all the more imperative that we remember in what historical context similar words have previously been employed.

For this reason, the Freeman Center for Jewish Life is hosting an informational session on anti-Semitism and its effects tonight at 7:30 p.m. This evening will also serve as an opportunity for interested students to ask questions about Jewish history, religion, traditions and beliefs.

Many people have expressed everything from curiousity to bewilderment at the Jewish community’s outcry against recent anti-Semitic rhetoric. It is our hope that tonight’s event will help others to understand our experiences over the past weeks and act as a springboard for future intercultural discussions.

Only through informed conversation can we begin to understand one another. Only through understanding can we begin to make this campus a better place.

As the wounds of Kristallnacht and the years that followed slowly fade, the responsibilty to ensure that new ones are not created falls to our generation.

Please join us tonight in fulfilling this duty.


Corinne Low

Trinity ’06

FCJL Coordinator for public outreach

and contributer to Recess, The Chronicle’s arts and entertainment magazine


Amanda Zimmerman

Trinity ’05


Matt Makover

Trinity ‘07


Sam Wald

Law ’05


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