ARAMARK placed on probation

Duke Student Government voted Wednesday to approve a resolution postponing a vote on the future of ARAMARK Corp. until spring semester.

The move will give the Duke University Student Dining Advisory Committee time to gather students' opinions about the company, which manages the Marketplace, the Great Hall, Subway and Eddy's, Trinity Cafe and Chick-fil-A.

DSG must make a decision about its confidence in the campus dining management company each spring. However, the organization decided to postpone spring 2003's vote until this fall, based upon the advice at the time of DUSDAC, which needed an extension for further evaluation.

Current DUSDAC officials reported to the Senate Wednesday on the present status of ARAMARK, explaining that the company has pledged to improve dining on campus, but called on DSG to delay the vote of confidence until Feb. 25, 2004.

DUSDAC officials testified that ARAMARK's new regional vice-president Mark Nelson has assured them he would commit himself to improving ARAMARK's services on campus. Nelson has also promised to install new campus-level leadership and expand employee training methods in the future.

"I would hope that ARAMARK improves itself," said DUSDAC co-chair Emma Batchelder. "The ball has been placed in their court--it is up to them to prove how much they value Duke students."

Director of Dining Services Jim Wulforst agreed with Batchelder, saying he thinks ARAMARK's new leadership will be essential.

"I think Mark Nelson taking control of this key account is critical. He is key to getting the kind of program at Duke we expected from the get-go," he said. "This is the benchmark year for ARAMARK."

IN OTHER BUSINESS: Freshman Hiram Rogers was elected to fill an SOFC seat. The Senate voted to charter the Duke Civil Liberties Union and approved funding requests for several student groups.


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