Harry Potter, The Hulk and Seersucker shorts

Nan Keohane, President

Reading: "I have read to my grandchildren quite a few children's books--especially Robert McCloskey's books about Maine." Also on the Prez' list: Bernard Lewis, What Went Wrong? The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East; Martha Nussbaum, Women and Human Development; J. Peter Euben, Platonic Noise; J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Edward Wright, Clea's Moon (a new mystery published by a high school classmate); Margaret Atwood, Oryx and Crake; and Graham Greene, The Quiet American--oh, and for kicks, all the issues of the New York Review of Books from the first of February through July (which she generally saves for vacation reading).

Chris Duhon, Men's Basketball Captain

Watching Movies: "I saw The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hulk... lots of action movies. I'm looking forward to Bad Boys II. I'm a fan of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, and I think they work well together, although Martin is getting a little chubby."

Wearing: "Shoes. I like shoes. I have some new Nike Air Force One's, a couple pairs of Steve Madden's, some Timberlands. My shoe styles are pretty diverse. I'll probably be buying more soon."

Reynolds Price, James B. Duke Professor of English

Reading: "I don't do a lot of reading when I'm hard at work writing myself... but I have very recently read a couple of books that interest me a lot, including a wonderful novel called The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break."

Watching TV: Fascinated by the Michael Petersen trial on Court TV.

Watching Movies: Has seen The Hulk twice ("not entirely by choice"). Jennifer Connelly was "quite good."

Adam Smith, Football Starting Quarterback

Watching Movies: -"I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean--definitely enjoyed that." Credits a nice performance from Johnny Depp.

Listening to: "Same old, same old--Dave Matthews Band. Counting Crows. Eminem."

Reading: The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews.

Wearing: Flip-flops, board shorts and a new pair of Nike running shoes.

Matt Slovik, President of Duke Student Government

Reading: Harry Potter; A Confederacy of Dunces: "I read it because my Dad loved it."

Listening to: 50 Cent... wants to see Jack Johnson and/or G Love and Special Sauce at Duke.

Watching Movies: Loved The Matrix: Reloaded. Found The Italian Job entertaining.

Wearing: A new Lily Pulitzer tie and seersucker shorts. Nothing says summer quite like that, does it?

David Paletz, Professor of Political Science

Watching TV: 'Sex and the City.' I watch it with my wife.... The series deteriorated considerably last season."

Watching Theater: "In London, my wife and I saw seven plays in five days... some Ibsen plays including "Brand" with Ralph Fiennes, "Lady from the Sea" with Natasha Richardson and "The Master Builder" with Patrick Stewart. The first two were brilliant... not to be missed!"

Watching Movies: "Etre et Avoir (To Be and To Have). It's a documentary about a man who teaches in a small, rural school in France. Just marvelous. It reconfirms the wonders of teaching."

Kristina Johnson, Dean of the Pratt School of Engineering

Reading: "I am finishing up April 1865--The month that saved the country. [It's an] interesting book for a number of reasons, such as why Lee decided to surrender to Grant instead of waging guerrilla warfare."

Wearing: Cowboy hats, chaps and t-shirts while riding horses out in Eagle, Colorado.

Listening to: Burned a new CD just last week... and continuing her summer theme of concerts--Norah Jones, Tracy Chapman, and Nancy Griffith so far this year.

Donald Wine, Head Line Monitor

Watching Movies: "I've seen most of the big name movies.... Bruce Almighty was really good, really funny."

Watching TV: Keeping up with the new "Real World" and "Road Rules": "The 'Paris [Real World]' is interesting... but the 'Road Rules' is just what I expected: someone gets kicked off. It's what I picked it to be like."

Listening to: "I'm a music buff. I've been listening to the Bad Boys II soundtrack.... It's got Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, Snoop Dogg, the new 'Making the Band' artists, on there.... The first eight songs I wanted to download this summer are all on the album. It's probably the best thing out this summer."

Larry Moneta, Vice President for Student Affairs

Reading: Books on the Red Sox: The Little Red Sox Book: A Revisionist Red Sox History by Bill Lee and The Teammates by David Halberstam.

Watching TV: "I don't watch the reality shows, but I watch the titles and am amazed at the preponderance of them.... [Queer Eye for the Straight Guy] caught me eye, as both a social commentary for the ability of that to be reality TV and [as an example of] the fascinating evolution of reality TV."

Watching Theater: His daughter's close friends at the American Dance Festival.

Sue Wasiolek, Dean of Students

Reading: A Thousand Country Roads: An Epilogue to the Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller.

Watching Movies: "I saw Whale Rider and Spellbound. I found great meaning in Whale Rider--the whole notion of faith and spirituality and believing in something greater than oneself was quite powerful. Spellbound was also excellent, showing the power of determination and hard work."

Watching TV: "I have a tendency to get caught up in reality television. I'm a Clay Aiken fan from 'American Idol.'"

Listening to: "I saw a show at Durham Central Park featuring the former lead singer of Squirrel Nut Zippers."

Jonathan Bigelow, President of the Duke University Union

Reading: A Long and Happy Life by Reynolds Price: "It's a really good portrait of life in rural North Carolina back then." Imported the British copy of the fifth Harry Potter to experience the tale with its true British slang and expressions.

Listening to: Audioslave's self-titled album... "I'm a very eclectic and strange music consumer."

Watching Movies: "I loved Finding Nemo, it's really good; it's hard to go wrong with Pixar."

Anthony Vitarelli, President of Campus Council

Listening to: "I went to a great folk festival in DC highlighting Scottish, Appalachian, and Malian culture."

Watching Movies: L'Auberge Espagnole: "It's one of those movies that isn't going to get a lot of press but that everyone should see--an interesting commentary on European culture."


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