Letter: Student need group not beholden to administration

I experienced my first turn-off to Duke University within the first few months of my freshman year. To put it into a category that would encompass all of the disconcerting facets of my daily life: Duke makes it all too obvious that there is some all-powerful machine-like administration that dictates everything about student and even faculty life. If you have ever tried to negotiate with an academic department, question a parking ticket, figure out Curriculum 2000 or even have a social life you are likely all too familiar with this feeling.

But it took me until now (second semester sophomore year) to realize that, while I keep many such complaints to myself, many students feel obliged to voice a similar concern - and I have never once heard a voice of defense for the University (not even from the transportation department which will not justify exorbitant parking tickets despite many e-mails of inquiry).

The point of all of this is to say that Duke is a sinking ship, especially for undergrads. Whether this is part of the cause or part of the effect of many high powered administrators bailing, I cannot say. Eventually they might realize that more student control of nearly every aspect of University decisions may be the only way to keep Duke above water. I have heard more good ideas come out of a five minute conversation with students than my two-year experience with the present administration.

With all of this in mind, it would be counter-intuitive to wait for some divine intervention that causes Nan or Larry to ask our opinion. So here is this student's idea: a student organization with enough of a following to be heard, but no leash held by the University. I must stop here to stress that I am not some University anarchist, but believe that an administration should serve a behind-the-scenes, accommodating function that acknowledges the need for student well-being as the top priority. Duke has the ability to be an outstanding University, but not without our input.

Flyers will be up shortly if you have not already seen them. 613-0472, ajd9 - call or email me and let me know what you think. I could not be more enthusiastic in my desire for your support.


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